Criminal Defense
Looking for a highly experienced criminal defense lawyer in Ohio? Look no further than Mr. Kordalis. With a proven track record of success in handling thousands of criminal cases, he has consistently been awarded as one of Ohio's top criminal defense lawyers. his extensive experience, Mr. Kordalis knows what to expect and what to do to get the best result possible for his clients. Contact him today to get the best criminal defense lawyer on your side.
Types of Criminal Cases
Handled by Mr. Kordalis
Each criminal case is unique, and offenses are generally divided into three categories: felonies, misdemeanors, and traffic violations. The following are some examples of the cases Mr. Kordalis handles on a regular basis.
Common Ohio Felony Charges:
Felonies are the most serious category of criminal offenses, and they come with the harshest penalties. Ohio law further classifies felony offenses as first-degree, second-degree, third-degree, fourth-degree, or fifth-degree based on the seriousness of the crime. Murder does not fit into a classification but is considered to be the most serious crime, above a first-degree felony. Our firm handles many felony cases with potentially harsh penalties.
Drug Charges:
Ohio authorities take all drug-related crimes very seriously. Common offenses include drug possession, possession with the intent to distribute, manufacture, and possession of drug paraphernalia. Any controlled substance can result in drug charges, including prescription medications for which you do not have a valid prescription. The penalties for drug offenses depend on the type and amount of drugs you allegedly possessed, as well as other factors, including your alleged intent to sell the drugs, your proximity to a school, and more.
Gun Charges:
While Ohio has open carry gun laws, there are still strict regulations concerning many aspects of gun and weapons possession. For example, you can be arrested if you carry a concealed firearm in your vehicle or on your person without the necessary license. You also cannot give or sell a firearm or handgun to minors (of different ages depending on the situation), and you may not possess a deadly weapon on the property of a school. Most people with domestic violence restraining orders, felony charges, or felony convictions cannot possess weapons without first petitioning a court. You cannot possess certain types of weapons such as automatic firearms or explosives, or possess firearms in bars or while you are drinking. Additionally, the penalties for certain crimes can be enhanced significantly if someone used a firearm or deadly weapon in the commission of the crime.
Theft Cases:
The category of “theft” crimes involves a wide range of acts that involve taking money or property without proper authority. Theft charges can stem from simply taking something that was not yours from someone’s house, stealing a car, shoplifting, and more. Theft can also involve using fraudulent means for wrongful personal gain, such as identity theft, insurance fraud, and other schemes. While theft crimes may seem less serious because no one gets physically injured, you can face felony charges and harsh penalties, often based on the value of the stolen property.
Property Crimes:
Some crimes involve another person’s property, often causing destruction to that property. While some property crimes are misdemeanors, there are some serious property-related felony offenses in Ohio. For example, burglary is a felony charge that involves entering a habitation with or without people present in the habitation, intending to commit a crime inside. Breaking and entering can also be charged as a felony in many situations. Arson is another serious felony property crime. Robbery is another serious offense that involves forcibly taking property from another person by using violence or the threat of violence. All of these felony property crimes can result in imprisonment and you need a strong defense.
Sex Crimes:
Sex crimes come in many forms, many of which constitute felony offenses. One common sex offense allegation is child pornography, which can result from even having a single image on a computer or in an email. Sexual assault is also a common accusation that results when someone accuses you of sexual contact without their consent or when they were unable to consent. Many sex crime charges arise from subjective or misunderstood situations, and there may be little concrete evidence of a crime. Still, the penalties for a conviction can be severe and may include registering as a sex offender for years to come.
When an act violates federal law, the federal authorities may decide to prosecute you in federal district court. Federal criminal courts work differently than state courts in many ways, and a criminal defense attorney must have a special license to practice in federal court. Federal cases often involve serious allegations of large-scale criminal activity, and federal sentencing guidelines can be particularly harsh. If you are accused of any type of federal offense, you should call Mr. Kordalis immediately.
These are only some of many felony cases our criminal defense attorneys handle. Whether your case involves a plea bargain or goes to trial, we are ready to aggressively defend against your charges and protect your rights.
Common Ohio Misdemeanor Charges:
You may think that hiring a lawyer is not necessary for a misdemeanor crime. After all, it is not a felony offense and most people consider misdemeanors to be relatively minor matters. However, you should always remember that misdemeanor convictions can still result in jail time, probation, and/or costly fines. A conviction can still have lasting consequences for your life, even after you complete a sentence. It is just as important to have a skilled defense for a misdemeanor case as it is for any other criminal matter.
Domestic Violence:
Domestic violence allegations can vary widely. In many cases, a report of domestic violence will result in misdemeanor charges. However, the alleged victim will also often seek a protective order after reporting domestic violence. This order can keep you from contacting the alleged victim, seeing your children, or even going back to your house. While complying with a protective order can be challenging in certain situations, violating an order will only result in further trouble with the criminal courts.
Operating a vehicle under the influence/Driving under the influence (OVI/DUI):
Ohio law refers to driving under the influence (DUI) as “operating a vehicle under the influence (OVI). OVI/DUI is one of the most common criminal offenses, and people get arrested in Columbus on suspicion of OVI/DUI every single day. Even a first-time OVI charge can result in many consequences, such as fines, probation, driver’s license suspension, or jail time. Having a skilled DUI defense lawyer can help you get your charges reduced to reckless driving or dismissed altogether when possible.
Petty Theft:
When a theft crime in Ohio involves less than $1,000 in allegedly stolen money or property, it is commonly referred to as “petty theft.” This is a misdemeanor charge, and theft of $1,000 or more is charged as a felony. Convictions for petty theft crimes can result in fines, restitution, and additional penalties, which can be enhanced if someone has any prior theft-related convictions.
Traffic Offenses:
Most people do not consider traffic offenses to be crimes, though these cases are also handled in criminal courts. When you get pulled over and an officer claims to have probable cause to believe you violated the law, they can issue a citation or even place you under arrests. Arrests are common for more serious driving violations, including OVI/DUI, driving on a suspended license, reckless driving, and more. In any situation, you should discuss your options with an experienced criminal defense attorney before you pay a ticket or take any other action. Too many people do not realize that paying a ticket is a guilty plea, and that it can result in points on your driver’s license or even the suspension of your license.

What is Intervention in Lieu of Conviction? (ILC)
This specialized program is designed to meet the unique needs of probationers with minimal prior criminal histories, whom have a significant substance abuse and/or mental health problems that contributed to the underlying offense for which they are charged. Probationers who file a motion for Intervention in Lieu of Conviction, prior to entering guilty pleas, are required to complete a thorough substance abuse and/or mental health evaluation at an accredited community based treatment facility and receive a recommendation for the program by their assessing counselor.
Upon being found acceptable during the screening process for the Intervention in Lieu of Conviction program, the probationer is then required to enter a plea of guilty to their indictment (or amended Indictment), at which time the Court may grant the motion for Intervention in Lieu of Conviction, if appropriate. Probationers that are granted Intervention in Lieu of Conviction are supervised under standard community control conditions. The primary focus of the Intervention in Lieu of Conviction program is to assist the probationers, by requiring them to engage in substance abuse or mental health counseling, to potentially deter any further recidivism.
Upon successful completion of the Intervention in Lieu of Conviction program, which requires a minimum of one (1) year of supervision, the indictment is dismissed and all records of the offense can be later sealed, if deemed appropriate by the Court.
Strict eligibility criteria must be met to be considered for the Intervention in Lieu of Conviction, to include:
As assessment of the individual’s substance abuse or mental health history, along with a treatment plan.
The individual has not previously engaged in the Intervention in Lieu of Conviction program or any similar regimen.
The individual is charged with a felony for which the Court, upon conviction, would impose community control sanctions.
Drug or alcohol/mental health was a factor leading to the criminal offense with which the offender is charged and Intervention in Lieu of Conviction would not demean the seriousness of the offense.
The individual must be willing to comply with all terms and conditions imposed by the Court.
The individual has not been previously convicted of a felony offense of violence.
Any victims cannot be under the age of thirteen (13) or over the age of sixty-five (65) at the time of the offense, or a peace officer engaged in his/her official duties.
The offense is a not a felony of the first, second, or third degree, or an offense of violence. The offense cannot be in violation of division (A)(1) or (2) of Section 2290.06 of the Revised Code, is not a violation of division (A)(1) of section 2903.08 of the Revised Code, is not a violation of division (A) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code or a municipal ordinance that is substantially similar to that division, and is not an offense for which a sentencing court is required to impose a mandatory prison term, mandatory local incarceration, or a mandatory term of imprisonment in jail.
The offender is not charged with a violation of section 2925.02, 2925.04, or 2925.06 of the Revised Code, is not charged with a violation of section 2925.03 of the Revised Code that is not a felony of the first, second, third, or fourth degree, and is not charged with a violation of section 2925.11 of the Revised Code that is a felony of the first, second, or third degree.
If the individual is charged with a violation of section 2925.24 of the Revised Code, the alleged violation did not result in physical harm to any person, and the offender previously has not been treated for drug abuse.